Real Men Make Quiche

No one makes better Quiche than my husband. Faster maybe, but not better. Being the methodical fella he is, it takes him a good four hours to make his famous Quiche recipe.
While working at a Long Island grocery store as a kid, he learned how to make Quiche in the deli department, and has not deviated from it for thirty (Happy Birthday, dear) years.
The crusts must be purchased from the freezer department. They must be Oronoc Orchards.
The cheese must be the exact ratio of Swiss, to Jarlsburg to Lorraine. We have since found that there is no longer any Lorraine cheese to be found anywhere. There seems there is a story going around that the factory burned down, but I found no hits to prove that to be true. I did find several other hits where queries about the disappearance of Lorraine cheese were met with the same mysterious story from the trusty folks behind the deli counter. I even found a hit that claims it is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
Emily (Latella): “Nevermind.”
The cheese must be grated by hand, using a box grater. The cheeses must be mixed by hand. The eggs are whisked two at a time, no matter how many Quiches are being made.
The heavy cream must be individually measured by the cupful for each pie, and poured into the two wisked eggs. And then the mixture is seasoned with salt and white pepper, before being poured into each pie shell.
Then, and only then, is the ham or spinach added to the top of the pile. By the time he’s finished, the pie shells are full to the brim, carefully moved to the middle rack of the oven, and baked.
For nearly 90 minutes.
I learned how to make Quiche from the Joy of Cooking, and we nearly got divorced when I tried to get him to alter his process. Not his recipe, mind you, just his process.
I had convinced him to let me play soux chef. Made all of the pie crusts myself. I’ll never offer to do that again. Two, maybe. Six? Fogettaboutit!
Six pounds of cheese to grate, you say? That’s what a Food Processor is for. Ok, good idea.
Mix all of the cream and the eggs together and then measure them out? I could see him drawing up the papers in his head.
Scald the eggs and cream together to cut down on the baking time? You would have thought I had suggested he divulge his Recipe for Quiche Lorraine. (Luckily, he doesn't get to edit this blog.)
But no matter what we serve at our Christmas Day Brunch, this dish always gets rave reviews. Chris would make it more often, but it would be unfair to all of the other quiches.

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