Two Stupids on a Sunday: Braised Short Ribs

My mom and dad typically went out to dinner on Saturday nights, but Sunday was reserved for a family dinner. How she got dinner on the table at 1pm, with four kids and church I don’t know. These days, Chris and I look forward to a mid-to late afternoon meal, so we have time to get some things done around the house.
We thought we were quite clever by building a house we thought was going to be “maintenance free.” By that, I mean the entire outside of the house, including the deck and porch is plastic. We didn’t want a garden, we didn’t want flowering plants or trees because we didn’t want to have to mulch, prune, cut around or fertilize anything but a simple lawn. Besides, we had enough beautiful trees surrounding our lot, lined with stone walls.
But we still have leaves. Lots of them. On the lawn, in the gutters. Between getting the leaves out of the way, cutting the lawn, and doing what he calls “playing with firewood” Chris would be out there all day and that would drastically cut into our day of rest.
Me: Honey, how long before you think you will be done?
Chris: You mean hurry up and relax?
In an effort to get him through his chores, clean up and get ready to watch Sunday sports, I usually make an attempt at helping him. I say attempt because it seems I can do nothing very practical when it comes to helping him cut down trees, rake leaves or clean gutters.
Remember the Honeymooners from last fall? Standing on ladders, holding legs, getting leaf mucked dumped on my head, while he cleaned out the gutters with his homemade gutter cleaner? I found it in the garage yesterday.
Bet he plans on using it soon.
And then there’s playing with firewood or as I like to call it, two stupids try to cut down a tree. We nearly killed each other, and that was without the chain saw running.
So, when I offer to help, I usually have to have dinner already prepared. By the time I’m done, I’m too dirty and too sore to get into that kitchen and make a mess.
And at this time of year, what better than something braised for hours, and all ready to heat up. I made braised short ribs for Sunday, but next time, I’m going to skip the short ribs, and use a flat cut brisket instead (see Recipes). Let work, less fat, no bones, same great taste, same great texture.

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