The Thanksgiving List

There isn't much in the way of movies focused primarily on Thanksgiving, but this one particular movie was one of my mother's favorites. It was originally broadcast on TV by ABC studios, and though you can find it on Amazon, I would not encourage you to purchase it. I rented it from Netflix, and was disappointed in the quality. Grainy, black & white. But Truman Capote's narration of this story, a memory from his childhood, brings back my own memories of watching this on TV with my mother as a child. It was usually broadcast around Thanksgiving, and has that association for me. For years I tried to find it looking under the title "A Thanksgiving Visitor" and couldn't find it on Netflix. Turns out, Capote did write a story by that name, but it has never been made into ta movie. I finally found it by searching under Truman Capote on Netflix.
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