Inside Mason Jars

The Outside Mason Jars led me to thinking about using them inside the house as well. I’ve gotten very cautious about having lit candles around, particularly when there are adult beverages involved. I've had some close calls, so now I always use some type of votive enclosure for a lit candle.
One of my favorite shops in the Summer, is Taken for Granite, in Stony Creek. This is the kind of place that you walk into, and you instantly want to go home, throw everything out, and start over.
Chris, on the other hand, claims no man should go into this shop by himself.
I purchased beach glass by the scoop at this shop. You want something in the jar to keep the votive holder level. The beach glass is transparent and creates a glow when the candles are lit. Shells, colored glass beads, all would work.
Tea lites work best, rather than full size votives. I just use needle-nose pliers to reach in and replace them. They burn just about enough for an evening, and if you forget to blow them out, no real harm done. The adult beverage theme can work against you here and I promised my husband I wouldn’t burn down the house.
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