August 28, 2011: Irene MacGyver

When my husband and I first started dating on a steady basis, we would spend the work week apart and the entire weekend together, mostly at my house in Stony Creek. Inevitably, we ran out of restaurant dining options on weekends when I had not planned on cooking dinner at home. Not daunted by lack of a plan, I usually find something I can throw together. Chris couldn't fathom the idea that I could dig a few ingredients out of the freezer and pantry and put together a meal. That’s bachelorhood for you.
After a couple of these thrown together meals, he said to me, “What are you? MacGyver?”
Now, I never watched that series, so I had no idea what he was talking about, and for those of you who don’t either, the premise of this series was a secret agent who carried around nothing but duct tape and a Swiss army knife and got himself out of all kinds of predicaments with a few common objects he found lying around.
Chris: “You have string, a tin can, a tomato, bacon and a spatula and you come up with chicken saltimbocca!”
Now, I can cook just about anything with tomatoes, bacon and some onions and garlic. So, my skills were put to the test this past week. Hurricane Irene, by the time she got to Connecticut, wasn’t even a Hurricane anymore. But that didn’t stop her from wrecking complete havoc in New England. Once we got our power restored, we found out there were many, many less fortunate than ourselves. Loss of life, loss of home, loss of livelihood with no recompense. Our thoughts and whatever we can do to help, are with them.
For more than a week, we had no power and no running water. That’s what you get in New England when you have a well. I spent my day just trying to bath, feed us, and flush a toilet when we needed to.
Chris got called into work under a great deal of pressure from Corporate Headquarters. He’s not a First Responder, nor is he a utility worker like our next door neighbor who worked more than 100 hours in that week. He’s in the marine business. So, while I was hauling water up the stairs to flush toilets and throwing spoiled food out of the freezer, he was waiting on some clown who came into the store because he didn’t have the right boom vang, gib line and roller furling swizzle sticks for his sailboat.
So, what did I cook? I have no photos. It’s hard to take pictures in the dark. I will re-create some of those recipes because they are some of my favorite end-of-summer dishes.
I had an empty refrigerator, but I’m planbed on Teriyaki Pork Tenderloin and Peanut Slaw, Amatriciana, South Florida Seafood Stew and Grace’s favorite soup. Oh, and the post I was planning for the day of the storm, from our dinner party the previous evening, which we cancelled. Seafood Francese and Sparkling Pinot Grigio. Disclaimer: the contents of this refridgerator are for medicinal purposes only. Do not try this at home.
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