After School Snack: Italian Meatballs

At the beginning of our weekly team conference call, my boss starts talking about a dream dinner he had with a client.
Phil: It was the best tomato sauce I've ever had.
Me: That's because you've never tasted my sauce.
Phil: I'm always in search of a good sauce. A good sauce, a veal meatball, and a bottle of Brunello di Montalcino.
He didn't specify the year, but you get the drift.
While we were finishing up the call, I sent him the link to my Grandmother's Sunday Sauce.
Then I got inspired, and actually wrote down the my recipe for Italian Meatballs.
I originally learned to make meatballs the way every Italian girl learns. My Aunt Helen would make her meatballs early in the day, and when they were cooked, she would leave them in a bowl next to the pot of Sunday Sauce that was simmering.
Right next to the back door where everyone came into the house.
By the time it was dinner, she was lucky to have half of them left. She never learned.
I watch a lot of cooking on TV. And I can say that I have yet to see a good recipe for Italian Meatballs. Mostly its the technique, but when you only have a few ingredients in your recipe, they had better be good. Using "seasoned" bread crumbs out of a can, or parmesan cheese labeld "processed cheese fool" will never get you a good Italian Meatball.
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