The No Fish Zone: Grilled Swordfish Sandwich

My husband would be perfect except for one thing: he doesn’t eat fish.
Of any kind.
Can’t even stay in the house if I cook it. Must have been too many frozen fish sticks in Catholic Boys School.
Worse yet, he’s got Grace The Girl thinking along the same lines. So, if I wanted to have fish as a meal with both of them, I have to cook two meals, and one of them has to be cooked outside. But I made a discovery recently that all parents of young children should know about:
Me: “Grace, do you eat fish at home when Mommy makes it?”
Grace: “Yes.”
Me: “Why do you eat it at home and not here?”
Grace: “Because there’s nothing else to eat.”
Now there’s a concept. Unfortunately, it won’t work with Chris. He will eat scallops and shrimp or lobster on occassion, and I've seen him eat an oyster or two (mostly when we were dating). But if it has fins and swims, that's his no-fly zone.
I order fish every time we go out for a meal. Problem is, in New England you get either fried seafood, or you get some chef who tries to prepare fish with all manner of strange ingredients, adding sauces and toppings in an effort to make the menu look like Alice Water’s menu did back in, well, 1980.
“Our special tonight is swordfish, encrusted in potato peels, sautéed with chicken livers and spinach in a balsamic reduction, and served with brandied raisins and okra.”
That sounds yummy.
When Chris isn’t home for dinner, I either grill fish or I make a simple sauté. Having lived on the West Coast, I found that many restaurants out there do just that: prepare it simply, and let the fish stand on its own.
Now if I can just convert The Girl I might be able to enjoy a Grilled Swordfish Sandwich with my family at home.

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