Summer Movies We Love

Summer movie viewing starts June 1st, and goes through Labor Day Weekend. During this time period, you are allowed to watch any of these movies as many times as you want as long as there is no MLB on the tube. There are links to Amazon (I get nothing from this) at the bottom of the sidebar), if you are interested in purchasing these movies.
When this movie came out in theatres in 1975, no one had any idea who Steven Spielburg was, or how clunky the shark was when it even worked. But no one went into the water the rest of that summer. I couldn't sleep with my feet hanging off the bed. No, it's not Snakes on a Plane, Jake. In fact, its 45 minutes before you actually see the monster. The suspense, the chemistry between the three main characters, and the music make this movie unforgettable.
The Deep
Actually, this movie is what I consider Peter Benchley's sequal to Jaws (as opposed to Jaws 2, or any of the remaining Hollywood digits). You never know when you watch a movie you haven't seen in years whether it will hold up or not, but this one made it to the summer list. The hairstyles and clothing that typically date movies are so classic and casual, and Bermuda prides itself on as little change as possible, so you really have a tough time placing the time period other than 20th century. Robert Shaw died (at 51) shortly after making this movie, and here you get at least of glimpse of the handsome swashbuckler he played in his youth. Nick Nolte and Jaqueline Bisset are at their most beautiful, and natural. And as Chris points out, she doesn't wear a stitch of underwear in the entire movie.
Independence Day
Clever take on H.G.Wells, "The War of the Worlds" (a childhood favorite, I loved being scared by movies), great special effects that still hold up rather well, three hunks, and none of the dark mess that became The War of the Worlds recent remake. Plus it came out on July 4th weekend when it opened in the theatres.
Given the recent disasterous tornados across the entire country, it's hard to say I used watch this movie for fun. It does, however, portray an accurate picture of what we know about tornados, and where our technology is, even today, and it's a lot more thrilling to watch than the home videos you typically see on the Weather Channel.
Chris walks into the room and this movie is on. "It's getting windy."
The Long Hot Summer (both versions)
Paul Newman is Paul Newman and he is at his clever handsome best. I actually liked the remake with Don Johnson as well, but couldn't find it on DVD. Both are just steamy. Whoever wrote the review on Amazon got it right: southern fried melodrama.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
It's amazing what Elizabeth Taylor has done for full dress slips over the years. (Love her, RIP) Why, why can't Paul Newman's character see that?

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