Cherry Garcia: I Scream

You scream.
Guess what Grace and I got for Christmas?
It was all an evil plot hatched by Grace and Susan.
Executed by Chris.
They calculated (correctly), that if they got me an ice cream maker for Christmas, I would probably make them ice cream.
They were right.
Grace and I tackled the first recipe for coconut ice cream we found.
What a rookie mistake!
While it tasted good, it didn't have the texture we expected from a homemade ice cream.
Back to the drawing board.
Shortly after, I was watching a cooking competition on television, and one contestant made bourban pecan ice cream. I couldn't wait for the result, and neither could one of the judges. She lost. Great flavor, but not the creamy consistancy the judge expected from homemade ice cream.
What a rookie mistake!
Turns out, ice cream is made in short bursts, but over a period of time in order to get the consistancy right, and you just can't be successful trying to win a cooking show contest with a home version of the applicance.
It took us a couple of tries, but we finally perfected our vanilla base which will become the future of our ice cream recipes. Grace is responsible for coming up with the additions. Fresh cherries and dark chocolate for our version of Cherry Garcia Icecream.

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