Dressed to Grill: Tenderloin for when the IRS comes calling

I work at home. That might sound glamourous but its really pretty grimy. There are weeks when I don't leave the house for 3 and 4 days. Sitting at my desk, in my sweats, no make-up, you get it. I clean up nice on the weekends, though.
The other morning, I'm sitting at my desk, my phone rings, and when I pick up it up, its the Internal Revenue Service.
Pre-recorded: This is the Internal Revenue Service and we are bringing suit against you for non-payment of taxes. Please call this number: 213-590-XXXX. Click.
Normally, I would have hung up on whatever telemarketer calls my phone. Not a word, I just hang up.
But a couple years ago, I actually did get a letter from the IRS saying that I owed them money. It was addressed to a company I had never heard of, but sent to my mailing address.
After staring at this letter most of the day, I finally realized that the FEIN (that's Federal Entity Identification Number) was one digit different than mine.
Someone at the IRS fat-fingered the FEIN number, and sent a letter to a company that presumable does owe them money, but my address came up in their data base when they entered my FEIN to do the lookup.
I dutifully called the IRS (800-TAX-1040, if you don't know), recited the reference number to the agent, and then tried to explain what I thought had happened, but the Agent got a bit terse with me.
IRS: I can't give you any tax information if you are not the party of record.
Me: I'm not asking for tax information, I'm trying to get the record corrected.
IRS: Click
After several tries, I gave up.
Several weeks later, I get a postal notice of a registered letter from the IRS. Well, not for me, for that poor company who actually does owe the IRS money, and doesn't know it.
I tried the IRS again. Same thing. As soon as I tell them I am not the owner of the company, they clam up.
Since then, I get one of those postal notices about every 6 months. Wonder what the penalties and interest is now? I Googled the name of the company, but couldn't find them.
Fast forward, I'm sitting at my desk and I get this recorded announcement.
My first thought is how much of my life is going to now be devoted to straightening out this mess.
I call the number in the recording. A young man with a heavy accent identified himself as James Jones, Badge Number: DL13850, and then confirms my name and address.
IRS: I'm going to give you a reference number and I'm going to read the charges against you. Do not interrupt me.
Me: What charges are you talking about? I haven't been notified of any charges.
IRS: We have been trying to reach you. For the years 2010 to 2014 your taxes don't match our records and you owe us $5,906.56. Did you do this deliberately?
Me: How have you been trying to reach me? I haven't any record of the IRS sending me anything. What documents do you have?
IRS: We don't have them anymore, they have now gone to the vault in Washington, DC.
Me: When did you try to reach me?
IRS: We attempted to reach you at your home last Friday. The Post Office attempted to deliver the documents to you, but no one was home.
Me: I work at home. I was home all day last Friday. (Quick check of my Outlook Calendar confirms this.)
IRS: No one came to the door.
Me: I happen to personally know our mail carrier and if she came to the door, I would have seen her out the window of my office. No one came to the door.
IRS: If you don't pay this money, we will take away your license and all of your belongings.
Me: I have the right to see the documents you have, I have no documents saying I owe you money.
IRS: Well, then we'll have the Sheriff come to your house and we'll do a background check.
Me: What? What are you talking about? When is this Sheriff coming to my house?
IRS: Within 30 minutes of this phone call ending. So you better get dressed!!
Me: What is this Sheriff going to do?
IRS: Take you into custody, so you had better call your family and let them know you are going to jail!!
Me: Jail? You can't take me to jail without me seeing your documents!
IRS: And you better bring your lawyer!
Me: I don't have a lawyer!
IRS: Well, don't you think you better get on it? Click.
I actually broke out into a cold sweat. I could see myself calling my husband, my hair dresser, and my client and telling them I wasn't going to make my appointments. Fear had taken over. And Panic was quickly setting in.
I called my Accountant.
Me (nearly in tears): Dean, I just got this horrible call from the IRS saying they were going to send the Sheriff to take me into custody and . . .
Dean: Before you go any further, let me stop you right there. Its a SCAM!
Me (now that I can breath again), OMG, really?
Dean: Yup, its been going on for a couple of years now. You didnt give them any of your information, did you?
Me: Thankfully, I did not.
All I could think of was, "How did the IRS know I wasn't dressed?" Next time, I'll be dressed and have something special for when they come calling. How about Grilled Tenderloin and Blue Cheese Butter?

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