Moving back

I've lived in more than 20 houses and when I was finished renovating and re-decorating, it was time to move to another one. After decades of moving farther and farther from the Shoreline, my journey back here began as one of familial duty and obligation. I soothed my California grief by buying an enormous single family house in New England. By myself.
What was I thinking?
You should have seen the driveway . . . steep, narrow, and twisted. This picture was taken from the road.
Connecticut: 2635 Square Feet $600,000
But the house was perfect for entertaining and close to my family.
Connecticut: The Martini Room with one of three fireplaces and 11 rooms in the house
It also seemed cheap, compared to California:
Newport Beach: 1810 square feet. $1,090,000
Newport Beach: Great Room (there were only two rooms on the lower level)
Newport Beach: Living and Dining (the other room on the lower level)
It seemed an easy decision. . .
My mom was battling cancer, and after only six weeks of living here, I lost the reason I had returned. Now I had a deeper grief to get through. I had my own home grown therapy: cooking, decorating, projects, holidays, all involving enormous amounts of energy.
And then it happened. The one thing I had wanted all my life and had pretty much given up on.
Reader Comments (1)
You are such an inspiration, Margot. Your energy and passion for food and beauty are contageous! - Julie "Tall Girl" Stafford