Seafood and eat it: Swordfish Oreganade

That was my mother's motto. She was a seafood lover, and she was always trying to get us to eat it as well. Being a Catholic (reasonably) household, that meant we had fish on Fridays.
Fridays would usually go something like this:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Fish sticks
Us: Ok
Next Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Baked Fillet of Sole
Us: Eeeewww!
Mom: But you like Sole! (we didn't)
Next Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Spagetti and Crabs
Us: Eeeewww! (as we ran out of the house)
Next Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Baked Stuffed Clams
Us: Eeeewww!
Following Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Halibut
Us: Hmmmm. Maybe.
Actually, we did like halibut, it was probably our favorite. Why? Because it tasted like chicken, not fish. (So, why not just eat chicken?) Atlantic Halibut, steaks baked in the oven with parsley and butter. Ugly, but aside from that, pretty kid friendly.
Next Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Shrimp Marsala
Us: Really, again?
Next Friday:
Us: What are we having for dinner?
Mom: Daddy's making baked stuffed lobster on the grill
Us: Will you take it out of the shell for us?
Us: What are we having for Christmas Eve?
Mom: Baked Stuffed Shrimp
Us: Make sure there's enough for breakfast on Christmas morning
Me visiting my parents after moving to DC:
Them: What are you making us for dinner?
Me: Penne with Lobster and Vodka Sauce
Next visit:
Them: What are you making us for dinner?
Me: White House Maryland Crab Cakes
Them visiting me after moving to California:
Me: Let's get some Alaskan Halibut and I'll cook it on the grill
I guess I have a ways to go with my husband and wicked step-child.
However, when I described my idea for Swordfish Oreganade to Grace, she said:
"That sounds fantastic!"
There's hope for her, but not for Chris.

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