Houseguests and Hummus

I know you can buy good hummus, but if I have to make one more trip to the grocery store before guests arrive, I'm going to scream.
Which is why I like to make hummus.
Its what I call great pantry food. You can pretty much count on having the ingredients around when you need to make something quick.
Like when guests show up. Which they are doing again. Not the sames ones as after the wedding (Bed, Breakfast and Buttermilk Pancakes), this is a different round.
I will go broke paying for groceries, especially the way I shop. Most of my guests, however, show up with wine, so I have that to be thankful for. (They pretty much know not to show up with food as they know I have standards.)
Back to hummus.
It's fast, its easy (Grace the Kitchen Slave made this batch) you can pull the ingredients out of your freezer and pantry, its pretty healthy, and people can tell the difference when its homemade.
We like Classic Hummus, garlicy and smooth, with lots of tahini, olive oil and lemon, so I keep adding more until it tastes the way we like it, but you can adjust it to you and your family's taste.
For example, my nephew only eats the grilled Naan bread I serve with it.

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