Gramma Daly's Cole Slaw: Not your average fruit loop salad

Must be a trend. I thought my sister was the only cook whose idea of a vegetable included the use of dried ramen noodles. Sometimes, if the recipe was for a special occasion, she would make dressing out of the packet of dried stuff that came in the box. Now that’s a smart use of her grocery money.
(And I know that she knows I hate it.)
Then I saw it on a cooking show. On television. In primetime.
As I start out this food blog adventure, I wonder what makes people watch a cooking show, read a blog or a cookbook. I’m trying to keep an open mind, because they are on television, and well, I’m not.
(Not that I want to be, but I have always dreamed of publishing a cookbook.)
I was livid the other day watching this one program, and not to get too serious, but there was nearly 6 cups of sugar used in this meal. Dinner was for six people. There was two cups of sugar and a cup of honey blended together to pour over ham. Then there was a stick of butter, and a half cup of brown sugar in another sauce. Then the salad had a 3/4ths cup of sugar in the dressing. The dessert had another 1 ½ cups of sugar.
For Dinner. For six people. Ok, so the ham was intended for 15 or so servings, and the dessert 10 servings, if you made the cuts small. For a single serving of this meal, I calculated more than one half cup of sugar, but I’m guessing they went back for seconds.
What do you want to bet they served diet soda with the meal?
No wonder we have obesity running rampant in this country.
Ok, I’m done.
I get a lot of compliments when I make cole slaw (Gramma Daly's).
Like: “I don’t really like cole slaw, but yours is delicious.”
Let me tell you why they like it: Because it hasn’t been sitting in a vinegar and sugar dressing for hours. That’s why.
I won’t tell you it’s low fat. Not with all of the mayonnaise in it. Made correctly, however, it can be about the same as any other salad.
Simple. Five ingredients.
Creamy. Only about 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
Fresh and Crunchy. Tossed just before it’s served.
Never any left.

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